Before leaving Berlin I took a trip with my friend Arvid to the island of Ruegen (located near the Baltic Sea) for some R&R on the beach. But it wasn't just about lying on the beach all day ('cause God knows what would happen if I laid on a beach for 4 days straight...) - there was also plenty of exploring to do! We visited the infamous Chalk Rocks and other small towns (Kap Arkona, Vitt, Altenkirche, and Sassnitz) along the way. These are great places to visit when you need to escape the city - but be warned - nudity is quite common on the beach (don't worry - there are no pictures of the beach in this post).
Day 1 of our Excursions: Kap Arkona & Vitt
Watch Tower at Kap Arkona
Sanddorn is a local fruit that is popular among both tourists and locals and can be found in many edible forms (i.e.: wine, gummy bears, jam, hard candy, chocolate, etc..)
(above: Sanddorn Jam)
Fischbroetchen (Fish in a bun)
Reminds me a bit of my experience with the Hollandse Nieuwe in Groningen. I did try it this time - but cheated a bit - since I got a fried fish instead of a smoked one :)
The Harbour
Reminds me a bit of my experience with the Hollandse Nieuwe in Groningen. I did try it this time - but cheated a bit - since I got a fried fish instead of a smoked one :)
The Harbour
After a 30 km bike ride, we took a little break at the cafe
And of course, we had to have ice cream!
While we waited for another bus to take us to the starting point of our hike, poor Arvid had to decipher the complicated bus schedule to get us there ...
...but we eventually make it to the Chalk Rocks!
Trying to replicate Caspar David Friedrich's Chalk Cliffs on Ruegen (see below).
Unfortunately, some of the rocks had broken off for quite some time, so this was the closest we got.
(photo cred: Wikipedia)
The scenery along the beach
Searching for the perfect souvenir...
.... and the successful results!
Arvid demonstrating his artistic skills with the chalk rocks...
... his masterpiece :)
And nearing Koenigstuhl ... the end of a great adventure!
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